My Truth about Blogging and the Disappearance of Olive.
The problem that I personally run into when I don’t blog, in like forever, is that WordPress updates all the time and becomes increasingly awesome. Although this should be amazingly wonderful, when I haven’t blogged in months, or a near year, the awesomeness has risen to a new incredible standard, without me following along. I then find myself utterly lost, left behind and having to learn WordPress all over again… or at least it feels that way.
Ok, it’s not that dramatic, but when its 6am and you sit at your morning desk with your first cup of coffee, ready to finally pour out an impressive collection of thoughts and comments for a new blog post, finding words is no longer your primary issue. Learning how to function and format within WordPress becomes your issue and quite honestly, can quickly become a new rabbit hole in which you need to dive. At 6am with first coffee, rabbit holes are not that which you seek……..ever. Yet, ironically, sticking your head into a hole somewhere and ignoring the whole thing does feel like an action that would bring immediate relief.
Thus, here I am at my morning desk, a second pot of coffee on, (trying to remember my words that I had as I had set up the first pot of coffee) as WordPress menus pop up into my way, boxes of icons and information mysteriously go away as I continually don’t know why, and I can’t begin to find what I use to know where it was. All this while I feel the increasing pressure from my analytics and customer emails that remind me of the same statement of truth, I am supposed to be blogging.
Enough of my morning whining, I actually did have something that I wanted to share with you today. Covid has brought wreckage and demise. We all know that and we all have our personal griefs so I won’t touch upon that. That is huge and well beyond the scope of this blog. What I will share with you, a truth that in comparison sounds incredibly whiny and petty, we have suffered the demise of Olive. (I warned this was petty. ) Olive Linen was our best seller. We sold it in Hippy Aprons, No Tie Aprons and at times, when our supplier ran out, there were colors that were so very close, we secretly moved to Army Green. It looked so much like Olive, we did not even have to change photography. And actually I think I personally loved Army Green even more, even though it was only a tad different in dye lot..
But suddenly, there was none, no Olive, no Army Green, nothing even remotely close. Sadly, we had to surrender a beloved collection. We grieved…..truthfully. We sadly removed the products from the website. It sent a trail of emails, asking where the Olive went. We realized that along with customers, we were now grieving together.
We were then able, after months, after our grief lessened, able to choose a color in the darker scheme of color choices from our suppliers samples. We chose Indigo, a rich dark blue. It is true, it is beautiful. And we are trying to embrace and love Indigo, we are trying hard to love Indigo, but when we look at it, we know in our hearts, that the only reason we have Indigo is because we can no longer have Olive. And in the scheme of the world, it is petty, but on the same plane, we have suffered so much, maybe losing Olive was the symbolic last straw, we had just had enough. But we had no other choice. Trying to be a bunch of grown ups, we straightened our panties, we moved forward, and embraced Indigo as well we could and introduced it to our customer base.
And then it happened again, this time to tiny check Pink Homespun. The manufacturer was suddenly no longer making it. I cant even really blame Covid but being in business since 2005, I think, it’s never happend until now during the time of Covid, thus we give Covid credit. Maybe we were the only ones selling it? No idea but at this point we pulled the items, and looked for a replacement. They did have a larger check in Pink. We accepted it, although mournfully
So we move forward, carrying happy memories of Olive, we will never forget it. We will embrace new colors, but we will never forget our first love, no one ever does.
And we will be blogging again as now the craziness of Covid subsides bit by bit and life resumes to a somewhat previously known state of norm. I will be better at grabbing a morning coffee and jumping on here for a chat. We certainly have lots of pictures that can be shared, news of upcoming ideas, out takes of photoshoots, that great picture of a grasshopper that I took and just plain good old observations. We will try to keep it fun.
Thanks for reading and have a great day in your Apron!