Cady Falls Nursery Part 2
Perennials are plants that come back year after year, growing in size and multiplying. This makes them a good investment. They flower for a particular time frame, leaving their stems and leaves to still fill the garden space with greenery. You divide them every few years, thereby having even more of them to fill your yard or trade with other garden friends.
Cady Falls Nursery has a gorgeous, very healthy, abundance of perennial plants. They have even taken it a step further and offer plants for a variety of land types.
They have choices for bogs, soggy woodland and ponds. They inspire me to plant in areas of my yard that I never considered.
I bought a pink and a purple Delphinium to go with my pink and purple Clematis vines. They had so many more colors of Delphinium than I had ever seen.
They also have vines, trees and so much more than these pictures can represent. I am going back next year when the Peonies are blooming so I can see their flowers and choose what whispers to my heart.