Gardening Series #11, End of the Season
At summers end, the frost comes and with it are taken the leaves and stems. They lay wilted and done. Now without their fullness creating covers and shade you will find what lies beneath and for me, I find gourds. Now easy to pick, easy to see, I step about the wilting stems and gather a basket of gourds that will decorate my fall table.
Pumpkins once hidden are also now visible and easy to pick.
In the edges of the garden in the piles of grass and brush, lay more hidden treasures, more gourds and unripened veggies. Giant Trombetta lays well under the fallen grass. Easily missed if you were not good at scavenger hunting.
Some veggies like Kale are still willing to grow. Fall does not frighten them into sleep. They will wait until the snow buries them.
Cosmos is also still showing a bit of blooms, protecting us from deer right til the end of the season.
Some flowers , like these Hydrangas, turn a new color to show that it is fall.
For a small garden, I did accumulate a good crop of gourds and pumpkins. Next year I will grow flowers that are good for drying. I love dried flower bunches to decorate the house for winter.
All that is left are funny shaped leaves that wait for snow. And I await the arrival of seed catalogs to plan next years garden.