Olive & Grey
The title sounds like a proper name for a blog or new design company. It isn’ t, although I now I am tempted to set off on a new venture based on this exquisite name. I digress.
The real subject here is linen colors. We have added both Olive and Charcoal Grey. Time tested, beloved and proven by their everlasting presence in our lives, we have chosen them to join our collections. We made them first into No Tie Aprons as we know that is your favorite style. Hippy Aprons are soon to follow as our Pouch Aprons.
And FYI, although our Oatmeal Linen Pouch apron sells fairly well with its big bow, we are going to offer the pouch apron in all our linen colors with a simply twill tie. You like options, we have learned and that not everyone is comfortable making a fashion statement. And aprons are all about utility first…most of the time. Fashion is fun, too.
So here I introduce Olive and Grey in photographic glory.

Here is the back view of our Grey Linen No Ties Apron.

Olive blends so well with the colors of Autumn.

Have a great weekend. I hear it is not only Friday the 13th but full moon as well.
Susannah Allen